I was reading in 1 Corinthians this morning. Chapter 15.

Oooooh that sounds hella legit. Like I’m a very avid student of the scriptures. In reality, I have a Write the Word journal that picks a verse a day for you to write out. If I have questions, I usually just ask my husband who is an Ennegram 5 and has read the Bible a bazillion times.

Anyways, the journal recommends that you read the verses surrounding the stated verse so that you get context for what it’s saying. I’ve tried to start doing that more. This morning the verse was 1 Corinthians 15:57.

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Cool. Yeah. That’s great, journal. Put it on a bookmark and sell it in the book store.

But as I read around it because I’m trying…another verse kicked me in the face. Verse 36 and 37.

What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed.

Ummmm…WHAAA?! I’ve heard of the concept of sowing and reaping. You don’t even have to be a Christian to have heard that. You reap what you sow. You get what you give. But…as it turns out, I don’t garden. I have whatever the opposite of a green thumb is. I will kill every plant that comes into my life. Don’t tell me to get a low maintenance plant. Been there, killed that. Succulent? Check. Air plant? Check. Aloe? Yup.

Now, in this context, the writer is explaining resurrection and relating it to something the readers know about: gardening. But, as a non-gardener, this is not something I have ever thought about. This principle is true, what does that mean for my dreams?

My dreams will have to die so that the end result can live.

And what I sow will look nothing like what comes to be.

When I think of things that have come to pass in my life, I can see this principle working out. I invest in this one situation for a long time thinking it will be the fruition of my dreams, only for it to die. And then years later, after seeing nothing happening, I see it. The dead seed made way for the new plant. It looks nothing like what I thought it would. But in fact, it’s better than I could’ve planned.

So what now? Sow in faith. Dream. Have hope in knowing that the dead seed gives way to life. Know that the plant will look nothing like what you buried.
