If you’re a woman and you don’t know what it’s like to stare at pictures of how your body used to be, or the clothes you used to wear, we are missing a fundamental bond in our online relationship. I think most women have those things in their closet. The things that don’t fit any more or harken back to a life before kids. Anyone else have hips that took on a life of their own post kids?

I was talking to a friend yesterday who was explaining how she had tried on something from before kids and it didn’t fit and she felt badly. Now, I didn’t know her before kids. So the changes in her body, the weight she put on, the curves that were added, I don’t know them. I can tell you though, her body is bangin’. Like…she’s a total betty. I was going to say babe but I think we should bring back “betty”. It got me thinking…


We are not professional models. Well, you might be. And if you are, congratulations and why are you reading my blog? But I can assure you, I am not. It should not be my job to fit into any piece of clothing. It’s the clothes job to fit ME. If it doesn’t fit, IT’S JUST NOT THE RIGHT PIECE OF CLOTHING. You often hear the compliment “that dress was MADE for you!” We do not hear “you were MADE for that dress!” Unless it’s a one-of-a-kind, legendary piece from a fashion designer. But as it turns out, I’m not wearing couture gowns on a daily basis. I’m probably wearing jeans and a shirt from Target. And that’s on a good day.

We should not own anything that doesn’t make us feel amazing. There is no need to bring that negative energy into our closets. There is enough pressure from ourselves, social media, whatever, to look a certain way. I do not need an attitude from a pair of pants that doesn’t understand my body.

“Well I used to be a size 10. Now I’m a 12.” Guess who cares about the arbitrary number on the tiny piece of cloth that sits inside your jeans...NOBODY. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE! Do the pants look great? Do they fit you like a glove? Do they make you feel awesome? THOSE ARE THE PANTS YOU SHOULD OWN.

Throw out those old clothes that no longer serve your body. You owned them at a different point in life. Chances are, if you’re getting healthy and you lose some weight, you’re going to want new clothes. Not that outfit you wore 5 years ago. When you’re standing in the dressing room mirror and those things don’t fit, remind yourself, “these clothes don’t fit my body” NOT “my body doesn't fit these clothes.”

Your closet is YOURS. It should be a positive, uplifting, empowering space. As Tim Gunn would say “make it work.”
